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Introducing Co-op Congress, 2023 | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Introducing Co-op Congress, 2023

Date Published: 15/06/2023 | Blog category: Communitynews

We’re excited to be taking part in this year’s Co-op Congress event, Friday 16 – Saturday 17 June. This forum, hosted by Co-operatives UK, brings together those working to build a fairer economy to share ideas, get inspiration and take action.

Day one will see our CEO, Debbie Robinson, join a panel discussion entitled How can we stop the climate-nature crisis from becoming a full-blown disaster? during which she will talk about the steps our Society has taken in response to the climate crisis, as well as sharing our plans for the future. The climate emergency is arguably the greatest issue facing society and one that affects us all. By sharing Central Co-op’s learnings, businesses can adopt these beneficial changes to help alleviate the crisis too.

We’re also proud to be showcasing 'Our Malawi Partnership' as part of a fringe session led by Charlotte Castille, Central Co-op’s Head of Digital Marketing, Membership & PR, our outgoing President, Jane Avery, sharing experiences from her recent visit to Malawi, and The Co-operative College’s Head of International Partnerships, Dr Sarah Alldred.

The workshop will explore the power of Co-operation among Co-operatives using Our Malawi Partnership as a clear and positive example.  Though it has been just under a year since its formation, additional Co-operatives will also be invited to join this collaborative initiative.

Our Malawi Partnership creates trading opportunities for Malawian producer Co-operatives, while also making a financial contribution to a cohesive Malawi Development Plan, co-created and implemented by the Co-operative College and Malawi Federation of Co-operatives.

Watch Co-op Congress panelists discuss the climate & nature emergency below:

Want to know more about Our Malawi Partnership: https://malawi.centralengland.coop/

Want to know more about Co-op Congress: https://www.uk.coop/events-and-training/congress