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Healthy Choice Workshop | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Healthy Choice Workshop

Date Published: 12/08/2022 | Blog category: Eastern

Fun & educational day with all the children at The Hub- Kids Club

Monday 8th August - The Children at The Hub in Huntingfield near our Halesworth Food Store had a fun filled day. We delivered our Healthy Choice workshop learning about 5 a day, portion sizes, eatwell guide & the traffic light system on food packaging. The Eastern MCC funded the event, including all the delicious food.

The children thoroughly enjoyed preparing their own lunch which included making their own coleslaw, and fresh fruit kebabs.

We had sporting activities outside after lunch & finished our afternoon learning about Fairtrade & enjoying some mindfulness chocolate tastings.

"A big Thank you for today!  What a great success. The sun shone the children came and had fun and left with big smiles, new information and full tummies.  It really couldn't have gone any better, it was a pleasure working with you both." Sally from Kids Club.