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Eastern Blog Articles | Central England Co-operative Membership

Eastern Articles

Our Membership and Community Relations Officer, Jenny and her team, have been supporting communities in Peterborough, The Fens, Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.

Oct 17, 2022

Amazing Co-op memories in Lowestoft

‘Amazing' legacy as memories shared at heritage celebration What a wonderful day we all had capturing stories and memories.  Highlights included families bringing in photographs and memorabilia of their loved ones who used to work in the Canning Factories and sharing their stories, two former em...

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Oct 04, 2022

Celebrating Co-operative History in Lowestoft - new date set

New date set for Celebrating Co-operative history in Lowestoft Please come and enjoy us on this special day to celebrate the former CWS Canning Factory that once employed over 1000 people in the town. Originally planned as part of the September Heritage Open Day’s festival, the event was postpo...

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Sep 06, 2022

Lowestoft Heritage Day 17th September

Come and learn about the Cooperative Heritage in Lowestoft for our open day at the Parcels Office in conjunction with Heritage Open Days. There will be an exhibition to showcase the former CWS canning factory and the Cooperative Holiday Camp with film shows and a chance to record memories and s...

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