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The Grocer Gold Awards finalists! | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

The Grocer Gold Awards finalists!

Date Published: 13/05/2024 | Blog category: News

We are thrilled to announce that Central Co-op has been shortlisted for The Grocer Gold Awards in the Sustainability Initiative of the Year category for our innovative green energy self-sufficiency initiative. This recognition really highlights the hard work of our team and our commitment to sustainability, innovation and environmental values within the retail sector.

In 2023, we embarked on a journey to embrace renewable energy and enhance operational efficiency through the installation of solar panels across 185 of our retail and funeral locations.

This initiative represents a strategic effort rooted in our co-operative values of self-sufficiency and responsibility, as well as a dedication to our mission: creating a sustainable Society for all.

Driven by a desire to reduce carbon emissions, mitigate energy market risks and achieve long-term cost savings, our green energy self-sufficiency initiative has been carefully planned and executed over the past year. By transitioning to solar power, we aim to lead by example and inspire other businesses to embrace renewable energy solutions.

Our green energy self-sufficiency initiative is deeply rooted in co-operative values and a commitment to environmental sustainability. By investing in solar energy infrastructure, we aim to empower our Members and colleagues to contribute to a sustainable future while reducing our carbon footprint and reliance on traditional fossil fuels.

The ongoing energy crisis further emphasises the urgency of transitioning to renewable energy sources, and Central Co-op is proud to lead the way in the retail sector.

Our teams have employed a comprehensive strategy to drive the development of our solar installation initiative. This strategy includes leveraging technological advancements, forging strategic partnerships and embracing a collaborative mindset within the co-operative movement. By working together with our partners and colleagues, we have successfully implemented solar panels across our network of stores while prioritising safety, efficiency and minimal disruption to operations.

Our objectives were clear: increase energy self-sufficiency, reduce reliance on the grid, generate clean renewable energy and achieve cost savings. We are proud to report that since the initiative began, we have made significant progress towards these goals, and looking ahead, we remain committed to advancing our sustainability efforts and moving closer to achieving energy self-sufficiency.

We are honoured to be shortlisted for Sustainability Initiative of the Year at The Grocer Gold Awards and look forward to continuing our journey towards a more sustainable future. The winners of The Grocer Gold Awards will be announced at a prestigious ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall on the 2nd of July 2024 – so keep your fingers crossed for Central Co-op!