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Birthday Boxes a treat for children in Derby | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Birthday Boxes a treat for children in Derby

Date Published: 27/07/2021 | Blog category: Northern

Earlier this year a member of our Northern Membership & Community Council spotted a call for help to make birthdays better for disadvantaged children. Joanna West saw a request online from Claire Twells who works at Smith Partnership Solicitors, and also has involvement with Revive Healthy Living Centre in Derby.

Joanna contacted Claire to find out more about the Birthday Box scheme and discovered the scheme had been created following the discovery that there was a growing number of cases of children who do not receive birthday gifts because of great difficulties in their home life. Claire told Joanna how badly needed these boxes were, and what was planned to go in each box. “The boxes contain cake, candle, balloon, gift, socks, pants, pyjamas, colouring pens and colouring books. Also, we are seeking educational toys and games” said Claire.

Joanna told us “I know from other work I do that children often miss out at Christmas, and that is something that is frequently addressed. It is lovely to see a scheme set up to make birthdays special - we too often don’t realise that not everybody knows what a Happy Birthday is”.

Joanna spoke to the Northern MCC who were very happy to support the request for help. Joanna was delighted to present £1000 of Central England Co-operative vouchers to Gill and Jo from Revive, for them to use towards items to help make a child’s birthday special. Flowers will also be purchased to give to the child’s parent or guardian to let them know how appreciated they are. As Claire said “The difference this will make is going to be huge”.

Pictured from L to R are: Claire Twells, Gill Studdard, Joanna West, Jo Andrews