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What members can learn from an educational visit | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

What members can learn from an educational visit

Date Published: 07/10/2019 | Blog category: Northern

Elaine Dean, President acted as courier for members from Derby on their educational visit to Hereford. She has blogged the following: "A small city in a rural county but rich in heritage. Its huge medieval cathedral houses a copy of the 1217 Magna Carta (updated version) an original Mappa Mundi and a chained library.

Our members all went into the cathedral and spent time there - many lunched in the excellent cafe and bought items in the lovely cathedral shop.

Some members took recommended walks around the medieval city and others went in the Museum and Art Gallery.

We also saw the site where Owen Tudor was hanged - founder of the Tudor dynasty with Catherine de Valois, widow of Henry V. His executor was later hanged in turn by Owen’s son Jasper.

The members were back at the coach on time and we gave out ‘dates for your diary’ with special emphasis on Members’ Meetings and new store openings".

If you would like to take advantage of these visits then please get in touch. members.community@centralengland.coop.