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Central Co-op Members making Music in Birmingham | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Central Co-op Members making Music in Birmingham

Date Published: 08/12/2023 | Blog category: Other

Shaz Rahman, who is a member of the Western MCC details below the first session of Central Co-op's Music Member Group in Birmingham.

On Thursday the 9th of November the Central Co-op Music Member’s Group met for the first time. Those attending introduced themselves and talked about their musical experiences. The tutor for this session Lorenzo then took us through the first activity of the group’s existence.

Lorenzo introduced us to the 12 bar blues, which is a common structure used in several genres of music. We started with a simple 12 bar blues chord progression where we all played together and progressed onto more complicated versions of the same chord progression, including dominant seventh chords. To round off the session we played a 12 bar blues progression and improvised lyrics over it. We improvised lyrics about different months with each bar corresponding to a different month. Unsurprisingly, January is wet and dark, and July is too hot.  December got a mention of Christmas.

Everybody who took part had an enjoyable time and played music with others in a relaxed environment.

Sessions are every second Thursday, 7pm-9pm at Stirchley Baths in South Birmingham. £3 per session with the first session being free. For members of Central Co-op.

For more information please email member.community@centralengland.coop