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Members' Heritage visit to York. | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Members' Heritage visit to York.

Date Published: 14/03/2023 | Blog category: Other

Members from Shepley and New Mill enjoyed their Heritage Visit to York. Written by Carol Warham from Yorkshire Membership & Community Council. (MCC).

Yorkshire’s MCC first heritage visit of the year.  We were all apprehensive as snow had been forecast. However, the day dawned mild and bright. We couldn’t have been luckier with the weather, although the next day the snow did arrive and continued to fall by the bucket full for the next thirty-six hours or so.

33 of us joined the coach, including Tom, Chair and Dawn from the MCC and many members. The coach left New Mill and Shepley, all aboard and no problems!

We were using a new coach company, Global Holidays, who had been recommended to us. They proved an excellent choice and Steve the driver, kept everyone informed and entertained with his choice of music, and his jokes. A few asked me for the company details, as they were impressed, and would like to recommend it.

As I mentioned earlier the sun shone for us, although it remained cool all day. Everyone on the coach had a map, and all had decided on their own itinerary. A few went to Betty’s for lunch, and some strolled by the river or around York’s ancient streets. I had booked to go to Yorvik. The last time I had visited there was a long time ago and it had been renovated after the 2015 floods. I really enjoyed the time travel down a Viking street and the museum. Some had decided to visit the shops. It is nice to see different shops to which we are used to like Fenwicks. Of course, I’m not forgetting one soul who had to find a café, set up his laptop and work!

Everyone commented on what an enjoyable day they had had. Hopefully they will return, many were regulars, but will pass on the information to their friends, ready for our next heritage visit in June.