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BillyChip in Action | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

BillyChip in Action

Date Published: 25/04/2023 | Blog category: Southern

Following the very recent launch of BillyChip in our stores, Yvonne Smith, Retail Area Manager, and I walked out of the one of our stores in the Corby area to find a man who was living on the streets close by.  We both purchased a chip and went over to speak to him and he was able to purchase a sandwich and drink and said "we had made his day".  A simple easy and affordable good deed.  So next time you see someone living on the streets - remember that you can purchase a BillyChip in our stores.

Want to know more about BillyChip?

BillyChip is a safe and secure platform which allows the public to directly donate as an alternative to cash to rough sleepers without the fear of their donation being misused.  Members and customers can purchase a BillyChip which can be redeemed in-store in exchange for a free hot or cold drink.

The BillyChip Foundation was set up in 2020 to continue the legacy of Billy Abernethy-Hope - a young ambulance driver from Bristol who was the inspiration behind the scheme.  After helping support the homeless at Christmas, he felt disheartened at how little support the general public gave to people living rough on the streets.  

BillyChip is a Community Interest Company, registered as a not for profit enterprise to allow the general public to support the homeless with kindness, compassion and a free drink.

For more information - visit info@billychip.com