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Co-op Values Session at Belgrave Housing Co-op | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Co-op Values Session at Belgrave Housing Co-op

Date Published: 21/02/2024 | Blog category: Southern

This week, I was invited to meet with tenants from the Belgrave Neighbourhood Co-op Housing Association to present a workshop on Co-op Values. This was to help tenants gain a better understanding of what it means to be part of a Co-op, and to encourage more participation in the housing Co-op that they belong to. We started by looking at what our personal values in life are, followed by the Co-op Values, and examples of how we already demonstrate these in everyday life. We then went on to look at how the Co-op Values support both Central Co-op as a retailer and their own Co-op and looked at the benefits of being part of a Co-op and what makes us different.

There was plenty of discussion and sharing of stories and everyone agreed that they had a much better understanding of how the Co-op started and why, the different types of Co-ops, the Values and Principles of Co-operation and the benefits of being a member.