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Health & Wellbeing Session | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Health & Wellbeing Session

Date Published: 20/03/2023 | Blog category: Southern

We are delighted to receive this lovely feedback on a recent health and well-being session with the SoundCafe.

Dear Karen,

On behalf of SoundCafe Leicester I would like to thank you for your recent Healthy Eating Choices presentation which you recently delivered to the players of SoundCafe’s Homeless Football Health & Well-Being sessions at St Margaret’s Pastures.

Everyone present really enjoyed the session and how informative it was and they left with new knowledge on healthy eating choices.

I hope you enjoyed the session too. It really makes a difference to our players to have outside agencies come along to their sessions and deliver talks. It gives them a feeling of being included in events that they might not be able to access given their living conditions.

Once again thank you for supporting the work of SoundCafe Leicester and we  look forward to seeing you again in the future.

Kind regards

Chair of Trustees, SoundCafe Leicester