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Member Courses | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Member Courses

Date Published: 21/11/2022 | Blog category: Southern

At the Southern MCC, we run 14 educational classes for our members. We have 4 Floristry classes at Fleckney, and the rest are based at the Salvation Army premises in South Wigston, Leicester. I spent the whole of last week visiting the classes in Wigston – we have courses for Calligraphy; Creative Embroidery; Keep Fit; Upholstery; and Watercolour Painting. The work our students produce is amazing and the feedback from chatting to them in class tells us how important it is to them. They always tell me how grateful they are and to thank Central Coop on their behalf, and then continue to say “it’s not just about the positive learning outcomes – it has given me so much confidence; our tutor is an absolute gem; it’s inspiring seeing everyone’s work; I am always learning; but also how it helps them in other ways – coming here is a sanctuary; a break away from everything else that is happening; when things aren’t going too well at home, I can escape here for a couple of hours and just do something I enjoy; everyone here is so supportive; I look forward to coming every week; some weeks this is the only time I come out”. Some of our students enjoy their time together each week so much that they have organised getting together for a Christmas meal for the week after the term ends. One of our tutors will be having 4 celebrations, 2 of them on the same day!

As Chair of the MCC, I always look forward to visiting the groups as it reminds me our vital our support for our members is and that we are upholding the values and principles of co-operation.

Hilary Allen, Chair of Southern MCC