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Parks Day with St. Matthews Big Local | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Parks Day with St. Matthews Big Local

Date Published: 29/08/2023 | Blog category: Southern

Last Friday marked the end of our summer support with the Holiday and Fun activities over the school holidays at St. Matthews Big Local, with Parks Day.

Members of the Southern MCC have a very close relationship with St Matthews Big Local Charity which supports one of the top deprived estates in the UK.

Parks Day attracts 1,000's from the local community who come together to enjoy entertainment from music and dancing to bouncy castles and stalls, face painting, ice creams, and even free bike repairs.

MCC members take charge of the BBQ which is probably one of the busiest stalls, and offers food at reasonable prices.  Our team of seven worked non stop from 1pm until 5pm to ensure that the community enjoyed burgers, hot dogs and chips and we enjoyed every minute.  It was a great day to end the summer working with St Matthews Big Local.