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Savvy Shopping At Sturdee Road | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Savvy Shopping At Sturdee Road

Date Published: 01/02/2023 | Blog category: Southern

Yesterday evening, we were delighted to invite a group of young adults from the Eyres Monsell Club for Young People into our Sturdee Road Store.

The purpose of the visit was to get savvy about your shopping so we set them the challenge of feeding a family of four, breakfast, lunch and dinner on an imaginary budget of £20.00.

So off they went around the store looking for promotional offers, reduced items, looking at the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables versus tinned or frozen so that they could "purchase" a healthy, nutritional and balanced meal within the budget.

Once their "spend" was added up we discussed and shared meal ideas and the importance of budgeting.  

The young adults thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and asked if they could visit again and we would once again be delighted to welcome them into our store.