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SoundCafe Health and Well-being Homeless Football Tournament | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

SoundCafe Health and Well-being Homeless Football Tournament

Date Published: 12/07/2023 | Blog category: Southern

On a rainy July day, we attended a Football Tournament for people living in Leicester experiencing homelessness.  The SoundCafe, who organised the event, provides safe creative spaces for people who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or are socially isolated or living in vulnerable housing.  Over 18 teams took part, including a team from the City of Sanctuary in Leicester, who support refugees and asylum seekers living in the City. With the support of our friends from Leicester City in the Community, Aston Villa and Derby County Football Clubs, who also work with vulnerable people, took part in the tournament too.

The Southern Membership & Community Council served our British Strawberries and Cream, which was a real treat for the players, and we took the opportunity to promote our membership too.  Although, in some parts the weather was torrential, it did not deter the players and the smiles on everyone faces was priceless!

They are all winners!

Thank you to the SoundCafe Leicester and Leicester City in the Community for organising a great day and inviting us to be part of it.