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Southern MCC support victims of Domestic Violence | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Southern MCC support victims of Domestic Violence

Date Published: 02/08/2022 | Blog category: Southern

Last year, the Southern MCC supported the Domestic Abuse Department at Leicestershire Police by providing vouchers to purchase emergency items and food for victims of this awful crime.  Often, victims are having to leave home and leave their belongings behind, so our contribution has been an enormous support at times of despair and when eating is possibly the last thing on their minds.

More recently, the Domestic Abuse Department has started to provide rescue packs for victims who need a small food parcel.  Included in the pack is:-

Bottled Water


Cup a soup/noodles

Crisps/ cheddars

Small chocolate bar

Tea bag/ sugar/hot chocolate

The packs have proven to be very successful under the following circumstances:

  1. Victim leaves the home to report a crime and spends a long time at the Police station.
  2. Victim may leave the family home to go to a refuge.
  3. Victim/ Children may be required to provide evidence at a Police Station – Lengthily process.
  4. Victim has left the family home and is staying in a hotel – waiting for a refuge.

We are delighted to continue our support with funding for this crucial support.