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Time to Talk Day - Thursday 1st February 2024 | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Time to Talk Day - Thursday 1st February 2024

Date Published: 02/02/2024 | Blog category: Southern

The Southern Membership & Community Council were joined by our Funeral colleagues and Co-op Group Member Pioneers to support a National Campaign by the Charity "Mind" to get people talking about their mental health and well-being. The event was held in partnership with Insomnia Café in Blaby in Leicester.

We offered a half price drink, information, mindfulness colouring and games to help start the conversations and we really did have some lovely conversations around mental health across all ages. We also welcomed some local organisations who can support with health and well-being so it was great to have experts on hand too.

Below is some feedback we received on the event:-

“I think this event is a good opportunity to help people who are struggling with their mental health as I do as it encourages us to open up more” – Dan aged 32yrs.

 "I think it is a good thing to involve the community as there is too much isolation and we need to look after people” - Michael aged 81yrs.

 "I think this is wonderful – it’s a marvellous what you are doing today.  I worked for the NHS and we need to look after people in the community, especially the elderly as they do not always get access to support with mental health” - Suzanne aged 59yrs.

 "I go to the Co-op Painting for Anxiety Group at A Place to Grow in Enderby – it saved my life.  I am with Lucy from the group and we are now good friends and help one another – I look forward to seeing her. – Lynne aged 64yrs.

 “I think this is an amazing event – we need more of this as there is a lot of people who need to talk” – Lucy