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Southern Blog Articles | Central England Co-operative Membership

Southern Articles

Our Membership and Community Relations Officer, Karen and her team, have been supporting communities in Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and North Warwickshire.

Aug 24, 2020

Members swap Keep Fit Classes for Walking

Members from our Keep Fit Group have not only been missing their weekly classes - they have been missing each other!  During the lock-down they had been staying in touch by creating a Whatsapp Group to share photographs of gardens, weekly quizzes and riddles and stories etc.  They were missing ea...

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Aug 17, 2020

Co-op Members raise funds for Dementia UK

Creative members of Central England Co-op in Leicestershire have been busy doing their bit to help keep customers and colleagues safe while also raising vital funds for charity. They have designed homemade face coverings that have gone on sale in two local Central England Co-op food stores to ra...

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Aug 11, 2020

New Hygiene Bank - Market Harborough

In my previous blog I talked about the new Hygiene Bank that the Southern Membership & Community Council recently supported by donating vouchers and here is what Judy, one of the volunteers, had to say:- "I thought I'd let you see what an amazing gift the Co-op has made to Harborough Hygiene Ban...

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Aug 07, 2020

Lutterworth Watercolour Artists' Co-operative

The latest challenge set for members of our Lutterworth Watercolour Artists' Co-operative was famous people and I particularly like the fun that one of the members had with the Mona Lisa.  Below are some more images that really do capture the expertise and skills of the members.;

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Jul 31, 2020

Southern MCC support Kettering Mind Crisis Cafe

Andrea, our MCC member went to Kettering Mind to hand over some vouchers which had been donated by the council to support the cafe during these difficult times. Here is what Andrea had to say:- "It’s a great place –  it has meeting rooms, a café, a craft room, a big kitchen, counselling rooms a...

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Jul 29, 2020

Southern MCC Support Holiday Hunger Projects

Three Leicester projects running programmes this summer to support children impacted by holiday hunger have been boosted with funding from the Southern Membership & Community Council to help them give healthy lunches to youngsters over the school holidays. Christ the King Foodbank in Beaumont Le...

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Jul 27, 2020

Co-op Band features on East Midlands Today News

Our acclaimed Leicestershire Co-operative Brass Band created a special performance to bring some joy during lock-down.  The Band put together a video recording of the Lou Read classic "Perfect Day" with each member performing their parts from home. It's a great way for the band to keep in touch ...

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Jul 23, 2020

Store/MCC support re-opening of Markfield Library

Team Leader and Vice Chair of the Southern MCC, Elaine Rowley, jumped into action when she heard about the re-opening of the Markfield Library which is close to our Store.  Following an enquiry from the local Parish Council seeking advice on how we put our safety measures in place in store, Elain...

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Jul 21, 2020

Southern MCC welcomes new member

The Southern MCC are really pleased to welcome our latest new member, Nutan Modi. Nutan lives in Leicester and we asked her why she wanted to get involved and here is what she had to say:- "I remember as a teenager, attending commerce lessons at school and a very fine teacher presenting Co-opera...

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Jul 16, 2020

Supporting Soldiers in Leicester

Soldiers who have recently been tasked with carrying out Covid19 tests for the local community at a dedicated site close to our Rowlatts Hill Store had a lovely surprise when they visited our store today for their lunch.  The Soldiers have been coming in everyday to buy lunch and Liz Phillips, St...

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Jul 09, 2020

New Hygiene Bank in Market Harborough

When the Southern Membership & Community Council heard about a new Hygiene Bank being set up in Market Harborough, they were very pleased to donate some vouchers to support with the early set up. The Hygiene Bank is a national organisation, run by volunteers, that recognises that people can be i...

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Jul 06, 2020

Rounding Up Co-op Fortnight in 2020

It's no surprise to any of us that this year has certainly tested us but the Southern Membership & Council and I have been humbled by the co-operative spirit of our member groups and tutors and as  Co-op Fortnight draws to an end we wanted to reflect on some of their great acts of co-operation ta...

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