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Healthy Choices arrives at School in Stafford | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Healthy Choices arrives at School in Stafford

Date Published: 09/06/2023 | Blog category: Western

This week saw us visit Veritas Primary Academy in Stafford to deliver Healthy Choices Workshops and our 'Savvy Shopping' Lunchbox Challenge to the whole school over 3 days.

During our time at school we held a fruit tasting session with children from the nursery. The children tried a variety of fruits, which fitted into their topic of 'what can be taken on a picnic'

During our Healthy Choices workshops with Reception, Y1, 2, 3, and 4 children we talked about healthy food, 5 a Day, Portion Sizes, Food Labelling, and the Eatwell Guide. after the workshop session we made Fruit Kebabs with a variety of fruits for the children to try

Y5&6 students after they had received their healthy choices workshop took part in the 'Savvy Shopping' Lunchbox Challenge. The children were split up into groups of 4, and they had to plan, create, buy, make a lunch for 4 people on a budget of £5. The lunch had to consist of a main, snack and a drink, and be healthy! Once the children had taken some time to plan their lunch, we took a trip to the local Central Co-op Store on Brereton Way in Stafford, where they could buy the ingredients. It was great seeing how they were working together to ensure all members of the group had food and drink to eat.

Children and staff from Veritas really enjoyed the workshops, and it was great to see how everyone got involved by taking part, asking questions, or just enjoying making a fruit kebab. It was a pleasure to be invited into the school, and i cant wait to go back and deliver future workshops.