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Local Beaver Group Learn about Fairtrade and Ethics | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Local Beaver Group Learn about Fairtrade and Ethics

Date Published: 23/06/2023 | Blog category: Western

Recently the Beavers from 16th Burton Scout Group visited our Stapenhill Store to learn all things Fairtrade and Ethics.

During the session the Beavers had chance to complete our Ethical Challenge to see what Fairtrade products we sell, where they come from and what other ethical products we sell. We also gave the beavers an opportunity to see inside the warehouse and take a look inside our walk in Fridge and Freezer.

During the Challenge the beavers were tasked with finding Fairtrade products and looking to see what part of the world some of the ingredients come from. countries included; Costa Rica, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and India. The beavers also found other products that had ethical logos from RSPCA, One Foundation, BUAV, and FSC. These logos are only n products that are ethically sourced or reared.

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