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Members come Together and Dance for Fairtrade Fortnight | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Members come Together and Dance for Fairtrade Fortnight

Date Published: 03/03/2023 | Blog category: Western

Central Co-op members got together this week to celebrate Fairtrade and Co-operation at a special Tea-Dance in Burton upon Trent.

Over 80 members from our Birmingham and Eastwood member groups joined together for the event that was compered and led by Pierre, our Birmingham Modern Sequence Dance tutor. The dancers took to the floor for many dances as well as having Fairtrade Tea, Coffee and chocolate, along with a selection of Co-op cakes.

This event took place for the first time in three years due to the restrictions of Covid, and it was fantastic to see so many members back together enjoying their time with us, and we are looking forward to greeting members back next year.

During the dance we held a raffle for a Fairtrade Hamper and other Fairtrade goodies. Over £150 was raised for Dementia UK.

If you would like to learn more about membership please visit Centralcoop.co.uk or download the Central Co-op Membership app from your app store provider.