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Western MCC supports 'Safe Gigs for Women' | Central England Co-operative Membership Blog

Western MCC supports 'Safe Gigs for Women'

Date Published: 24/11/2022 | Blog category: Western

The Western MCC supported @safe Gigs for Women' this year with some funding. Cath Palgrave who supports the organisation, has written how that funding has been put to use below.

Safe Gigs for Women is a voluntary group of gig goers who aim to create a safer environment for women at gigs. We do this by providing a presence at gigs to spread the word that not only is not ok to be harassed at gigs and that help is available but also help empower people to speak out and advocate for others. We have been successful in going on tour with bands who recognise our aims and not only does this help us get in to talk to people but the bands also talk about our aims from stage, therefore making their audience aware that safety for all gig goers is paramount.

This summer saw and expansion in the number of events we were asked to be present at. In particular we were asked to attend a number of festivals. Funding from the MCC enabled this to happen in Birmingham and across the Midlands. As a voluntary group we rely on funding and donations to get to the festivals, banners, print leaflets explaining our aims, wallet sized cards with useful numbers on, suncream and of course the all important tea and coffee to keep the volunteers going! We were successful on reaching a large number of festival goers this summer as well as people involved in putting the festivals on- a brilliant outcome. Thank you to the MCC for helping this to happen.

If you would like to get involved with Safe Gigs for Women follow these links:

